电脑是工具. 你是主谋.

Whether you dream of designing a toothbrush with Bluetooth functionality or of developing the next big database-driven web application, 澳门线上博彩官网提供您需要的课程,使您的愿景成为现实. The computer science program’s curriculum offers six different strands of elective classes that allow you to hone skills in your area of interest. 



学生们不仅受益于校园里一个强大的STEM社区, but also from close proximity to Seattle and other Pacific Northwest technology centers, allowing for ongoing connections with companies like Microsoft and Battelle.

新生为开源项目贡献代码, 老年人从事对社区有积极影响的项目. With a curriculum that emphasizes professionalism and ethical practices, students who graduate from our program are prepared to be not only technically proficient coders, 同时也是有思想的社会贡献者.

The 计算机科学系 offers four degrees in computer science. 其中包括计算机科学文学学士学位。, 计算机科学理学学士(BS), 网络安全理学学士学位, 以及游戏开发学士学位. We also partner with other departments to offer two more degrees in computing. These include a Bachelor of Science in Engineering with a Concentration in Computer Engineering with the School of Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems offered jointly with the School of Business.
Our BA and BS degrees in 计算机科学 allow students interested in software engineering to gain technical expertise in a wide range of modern computing fields by offering a curriculum organized into six strands. 这些股包括:

  • 网络与信息管理
  • 计算科学与智能系统
  • 编程方法和工具
  • 计算机体系结构与组织
  • 理论计算机科学和
  • 应用计算机科学

Degrees in Cybersecurity and Game Development embed coursework provided by consortium partner Rize Education into the 计算机科学 core. These consortium classes can also be taken as electives for any of the other 计算机科学 degrees.


沃拉沃拉大学 计算机科学 majors are encouraged to develop their professional skills both inside and outside of the classroom. 无论是通过与计算机相关的工作, 社区服务, 或者课外活动, students have many opportunities to develop the leadership and technical skills that will help them succeed in the job market.  下面只是其中的一些机会

  • 校园招聘: 
    • 计算机科学课程的助教和评分员
    • 学生管理的计算机科学实验室系统管理员
    • 校园信息技术系的学生工作者
    • Technical positions with the Associated 学生 of 沃拉沃拉大学
  • 实习 coordination and support starting in the 大一新生 year
  • Participation and/or leadership in the student-led WWU chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) club
  • 每年微软员工赞助的黑客马拉松活动
  • 社区服务和/或行业重点高级顶点项目.

Just about every industry in our modern economy needs computer scientists. Our graduates don't just become software developers writing applications for large companies. They also become freelance web developers who create intuitive websites, data scientists who sift through vast amounts of data to help businesses or government entities make better decisions, support personnel who maintain the large networks of computers that make up the “cloud,” researchers who develop new algorithms for safer medical imaging, or even professors who teach others how to make computers do all of these exciting things.




Our program features a strong core of practical and theoretical classes and room to explore electives in various strands including: applied computer science (IT focused), 网络和信息管理, 计算科学和智能系统, 编程方法和工具, 理论计算机科学, 以及计算机体系结构和组织. These offerings are competitive with major university computer science programs.


学生 in our program have access to an interactive flip-top desk classroom, in which students work right along with the professor on their own computers. Our students also have exclusive access to an exclusive with dual monitors and collaborative work spaces.


Our program’s private cloud computing infrastructure enables students to have their own virtual machines and access to modern cloud computing software.


澳门线上博彩官网的学生享受小班教学,从合格, 有爱心的, Christian full-time faculty members instead of from graduate students or adjuncts. 教师 bring experience from diverse backgrounds including: embedded system design and instrumentation; web development in healthcare and education industries, 可扩展数据库研究, 软件开发, 技术管理.


Every senior completes a real-world capstone project for industry and/or community organizations. Recent examples include: campground reservation API for Sunrise Systems campground automation, 基督复临安息日会健康网络服务项目, 移动应用程序开发的圣经在生活的声音, and student test scores visualization for the College Place School District. Our students work with real clients to develop solutions to real problems.


Computing topics such as artificial intelligence and professional ethics are embedded in the curriculum and covered from a Christian world-view.


澳门线上博彩官网这个不断壮大的群体中的学生, 目前有78个专业, lead the 计算机科学 Club is a local chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) professional organization. They put on release parties, game nights, walk-throughs for new technologies. Our faculty also plan and host quarterly social activities such as board game nights, 电脑问答游戏, 和野餐.


从第一年的专业发展课程开始, 澳门线上博彩官网的课程强调职业准备.


Our program is situated near two major tech hubs in the nation: Seattle, 华盛顿, 和波特兰, 俄勒冈州. 校友 and friends from nearby companies such as Microsoft and Google interact regularly with WWU students and plan an annual day-long hackathon event.